
Our preferred method of payment is by Internet Bank transfer.
Bank details are:- Santander Bank,
Sortcode:- 09-01-50
Account number:- 03696693
Account name:- Lucky Lite
Reference to use  -  First 4 letters of your surname and plot number with no spaces.

Payment is also currently accepted by cheque for your first payment including payment of the refundable key-fob deposit. [ conditions apply* ]


We do not accept credit or debit cards.

FIRST PAYMENT UPON ARRIVAL or to secure a space:-
Payment is due immediately. The charges are pro-rata for the annual rate, but a full quarter is due for the quarterly option, with a credit to be set against the second quarterly payment.

NOTE   The credit is valid only if the second payment is made on time - late payment after the 1st. of the quarterly month cancels the credit note.

For secure and monitored site access we have secured the site with the latest CCTV and electronic access system. Each customer is provided a unique key-fob which identifies the customer and enables them to access the area of the site where their caravan is located. A refundable deposit of £35.00 is charged for this access keyfob. [ conditions apply* ]

Payment is due on :- 1st. April

Payment is due on :- 1st. April, July, October or January.

Defined as payments received after:- 7th. April, July, October or January.
Quarter PLUS £15.00 LATE PAYMENT

For payments received after 21st. April, July, October or January.

1) If the space is empty after the 1st. of January, April, July or October, and the payments have not been received, we shall assume that the space is no longer required, and may allocate it to another customer.
2) If the caravan, motorhome, boat or any other item remains on the site after the 1st. of any quarter, and the payment is not received by the 7th. of the month, then the weekly charge will be £35.00p. [total charge to be no less than the extra late payment fee]

We no longer take cash or cheques.

If you give notice that you intend to leave the site, Keyfob and any part annual storage refunds are paid by Bank transfer only and at the end of a quarter - your bank details are necessary. No refund will be due for any part of a month or quarter. Simply leave at the end of the period that you have paid for, and return the keyfob by that date. If you have paid the annual rate, customers will be charged for the appropriate number of quarters that they are on the site plus an administration fee of £15.00p. The balance will be refunded whether or not we re-fill the space.  This policy means that customers are certain of the refund due when they leave.

ACCESS 'KEYFOB' DEPOSIT [ *Conditions ] To qualify for a refund the access 'keyfob' must be returned in good re-usable condition, and no later than the end of the quarter or month.

We are unusual in that we allow, without penalty, a period of 7 days after the date by which the payment is due. Customers who exceed that period are charged a 'late payment surcharge' of £15.00. Customers who are a further 14 days late or more, the surcharge will be increased to £30.00.
Customers who are 21 days late in payment on more than 2 occasions without prior agreement, may be asked to make other arrangements for storing their caravan.
Further non-payment will result in a weekly charge of £35.00p. [total charge to be no less than the extra late payment fee]

MOVING TO ANOTHER SPACE If you wish to move to another space on the site, subject to availability, an administration fee of £25.00 will be due.